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Figure 1. (a) The simplified supply chain of the IC industry. (b) The mechanism of Rowhammer attacks. (c) The mechanism of A2 Trojan. |
1. A2 Trojan:
A2 Trojan, as illustrated in Figure 1(c), is a type of charge-domain Trojans with a small footprint and minimal power impact. It consists of four transistors, two of which are used as complementary switches and the others are implemented as capacitors $C_1$ and $C_2$ respectively. Attackers employ a toggling register as a trigger input to periodically charge $C_2$ and then redistribute the charges among $C_1$ and $C_2$. During the positive phase of a trigger cycle, $M_0$ is closed and $M_1$ is open. The sampling capacitor $C_2$ is charged to $V_{DD}$. In the negative phase, $C_1$ and $C_2$ are shorted together to boost the charges across $C_1$. The result is a steadily rising voltage across $C_{1}$. Once the trigger frequency increases above a threshold, the Trojan payload activates as $C_{1}$'s voltage crosses the detector threshold.
2. Rowhammer Attacks:
Rowhammer is another type of analog attack that exists widely in modern DRAMs. As shown in Figure 1(b), when a wordline, noted as trigger wordline, is activated, due to the parasitic capacitor between wordlines, the adjacent wordline, noted as victim wordline, experiences undesired voltage fluctuation that affects the access transistor and accelerates charge leakage at the store capacitor ($C_S$ in a DRAM cell). As adversaries repeatedly toggle a wordline, the parasitic capacitor between wordlines causes charge disturbances on the adjacent rows by accelerating the charge leakage rate of the memory cells connected to the victim rows. If an affected cell loses too many charges before it is refreshed to the original value, a memory error occurs.3. Threats Mitigation: Modeling and Detection
Although the mechanisms of these threats seem quite simple, unfortunately, existing HT countermeasures targeting the digital circuits may not be applied to these analog Trojans, because the analog-style behaviors of the circuits are abstracted away during the verification and checking stage of the IC design process. In our previous work, we investigate a systematic method to detect a large class of analog Trojans that act in the charge domain. These analog threats, like A2 Trojans and Rowhammer attacks, create information leakage paths through electrical charge transfer. They utilize subtle analog behaviors of low-level circuits and thus cannot be exposed by HT countermeasures in the digital domain. Adversaries can stealthily insert malicious additions or make use of existing vulnerabilities in the circuits. The key to developing countermeasures for analog attacks is the abstraction of analog/mixed-signal behaviors that can provide an effective measurement metric in detection. Specifically, we identify a charge-domain metric to describe a general form of information leakage paths that are facilitated by capacitor circuits. Depending on whether the capacitors are intentional or parasitic, these charge-domain Trojans can be further classified as charge-sharing and capacitive-coupling. We delve more deeply into the charge-sharing Trojans where switched-capacitor circuits are intentionally inserted to enable charge-domain information leaks. Aided by the new abstraction model, we are able to infer variants of charge-sharing Trojans, among which A2 is but one example.3.1 Charge Domain Modeling
In our definition, charge-domain Trojans belong to a large class of analog threats whose attacks are launched through malicious and deliberate electrical charge transfers and/or redistribution. They are prevalent in modern digital IC systems because at a fundamental level, each digital bit is stored as charges across a capacitor and the operation of charge-domain Trojans weaponizes the capacitive effects by disturbing the normal charge level of critical nodes. They are often deployed with synergistic hardware and software coordination. A general form of charge-domain Trojans can be described as the electrical charge accumulation across an essential capacitor. Each trigger activity $i$ results in charge disturbance of $\Delta Q(i)$. The charge disturbances accumulate over many iterations of trigger events until they eventually reach a critical value ($Q_{cr})$ to enable the payload circuit and implement the attack, as captured by the following expression:\begin{equation}
|\sum_{i=0}^N\Delta Q(i)| > Q_{cr} \label{eq:Qcr}
This charge-domain formulation captures a wide range of analog attacks and can be used to describe existing practical analog Trojans. We further divide them into two subclasses---charge-sharing and capacitive-coupling Trojans, according to their distinctive attack models. The former involves insertion or modification of the physical design by the adversaries to enable deliberate charge sharing behaviors, whereas the latter relies on capacitive coupling associated with the parasitics intrinsically residing in the original digital circuits and requires no hardware modifications.
3.2 Model of Capacitive-coupling Trojans
One practical example of the capacitive-coupling Trojans is the Rowhammer attacks. As shown in Figure 1(b), when a wordline, noted as trigger wordline, is activated, due to the parasitic capacitor between wordlines, the adjacent wordline, noted as victim wordline, experiences undesired voltage fluctuation that affects the access transistor and accelerates charge leakage at the store capacitor ($C_S$ in a DRAM cell). To apply our general form general model to Rowhammer attacks, we can identify $C_S$ as the capacitor of interest. %where the charge accumulation happens. Every time the trigger wordline is activated, $\Delta Q(i)=kC_PR_{WL}V_{WL}\mathcal{F}$, where $C_P$ is the parasitic capacitance between the two wordlines, $R_{WL}$ and $V_{WL}$ are the resistance and the voltage of the wordline. Coefficient $k$ is introduced to describe the degree of the capacitive coupling effects, and the stochastic function $\mathcal{F}$ is used to describe the probabilistic charges leakage when the access transistor works in the sub-threshold region. After each DRAM refresh, $C_S$ is initially charged to $V_{DD}$ and the accumulated charge leakage could cause the voltage to drop below the memory threshold ($V_{th}$) resulting in an erroneous bit flip. Therefore, the general model can be rewritten as:\begin{equation}
\sum_{i=0}^N(kC_PR_WV_{DD}\mathcal{F}_i)> (V_{DD}-V_{th})C_S
where $Q_{cr}$ is determined by $(V_{DD}-V_{th})C_S$.
Note that this equation correctly captures the main underlying mechanism of Rowhammer, as it shows that if the trigger wordline is activated many times (sufficient large N) during the interval between two refreshes, the cells on victim wordline may incur charge leakage beyond $Q_{cr}$ and experience disturbance errors. Due to its parasitic nature, sneaky paths used by capacitive-coupling Trojans are omnipresent in digital designs and can only be detected by analyzing the extracted netlist from a layout. An efficient method is needed to sort through all the possible leakage paths enabled by parasitic capacitance, identify effective attack mechanisms with high probability, and rule out false-positive instances. In the case of Rowhammer, we believe it can be achieved by properly formulating $\mathcal{F}$ as a stochastic function of device-level process variation and estimating the feasible range of N as a statistical expectation.
3.3 Model of Charge-Sharing Trojans
According to the attack model distinctions, charge-sharing Trojans refer to the subset of charge-domain attacks where dedicated analog circuits need to be inserted to the physical design during back-end or fabrication stages to intentionally create the sneaky paths. The malicious circuits that enable charge sharing often fall into the category of switched capacitor circuits, and one popular manifestation of charge-boosting Trojans is the switched-capacitor based A2 Trojan. To derive the A2 attack mechanism following our general charge-domain formulation, $C_1$ is identified as the essential storage capacitor and after each trigger cycle, the charges across $C_1$ and $C_2$ redistribute. During the positive phase of a trigger cycle, $S_1$ is closed and $S_2$ is open. The sampling capacitor $C_2$ is charged to $V_{DD}$. In the negative phase, $C_1$ and $C_2$ are shorted together to boost the charges across $C_1$. So the general model can be rewritten as:\begin{equation}
where $Q_1(i-1)$ is the original charges of $C_1$ before the charge sharing (specifically $Q_1(0)= 0$), $Q_{leak}$ is the charge leakage of $C_1$ during each cycle, and $Q_{cr}$ is determined by the threshold voltage ($V_{th}$) of payload circuit.
3.4 Infomation Flow Tracking (IFT) based Detection Method
Based on the previously mentioned charge-domain leakage path mode, we develop an IFT based detection scheme for analog/mixed-signal Trojans. Compared with previous digital-only IFT methods, we design the information flow policy with the consideration of fine-grain charge-domain behaviors. To our knowledge, it is the first IFT solution that can efficiently detect threats from analog/mixed-signal circuits. An automated tool is developed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the information flow tracking on analog Trojans detection in the benchmark which leverages customized information flow policies.Reference:
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X. Guo, H. Zhu, Y. Jin, and X. Zhang, “When capacitors attack: Formal method driven design and detection of charge-domain trojans,” in Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe, European Design and Automation Association, 2019.
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